Comparison of 2d and 3d

DescriptionImage of X(He4) in logscale using VisIt Image of X(He4) using amrvis Plots of average temp and enucdot
This is an image from Andy's long 2d runs on jaguar; build date: 08/06/08; resoultion: 2.5cm
This is a slice through the center of the domain for a 3d run on jaguar; build date: 09/11/08; resolution 10cm.
This is a recent 2d run at the same resolution as the above 3d run; build date: 09/17/08; resolution 10cm.
This is an image from an old 2d run on homer ; build date: 07/02/08; resolution 10cm.

These two images are probably not the best for a comparison. I havn't looked through the changelogs but I imagine there many things different between the two build dates.

I've found out that the 3d analysis routines I have written are very slow when dealing with such resolution. As such, I'm going to rewrite them to allow the user to specify which variable(s) to perform averaging on - as it is now, averaging is done for all variables in the plotfile. Furthermore, I'm going to try to tweak the averaging procedure to be a bit faster.