XRB Paper Data/Progress - Newest 0.5cm Run from NY Blue

This run is set up with a 0.5cm resolution model with the entropy profile of the raw model (from Andrew) fixed to be convectively stable. This run also uses p0_update_type=2. This run does not contain an artificially evolved adiabatic region.

Some runtime statisitics for this run on the BG/L racks of NYBLUE at BNL are generated from this bash script file:

cmalone@fen:>./get_run_info.sh 5*.out

Number of cpus: 256
Total time: 3.95175e+06 seconds
Number of timesteps: 584264
Average time per timestep: 6.76364 seconds
Total number of cpu-hours: 281014
Total computational cost: 281014 cpu-hours

Below is the temporal evolution of the maximum enucdot and its location.

Below is the temporal evolution of the maximum temperature within the He4 layer and its location. Note that because we define the He4 layer to be where X(He4) > diag_define_he_layer (default = 0.1) and because we have convective undershoot that is dragging He4 deeper in the atmosphere, the location of max(temperature) changes quite a bit.

In light of the above discussion, I think that using max(temperature) as a diagnostic is not very enlightening while we still have the convective undershoot problem. I'm currently working on setting up a model that is "more convectively stable" in the zones just below the helium interface.

The following images show the horizontal average of various quantities as a function of time:

The above two images show that the He4 is dragged down to lower depths and then after some time starts to burn vigorously enough to cause C12 to be formed at the base of the undershoot region. In addition, some of the carbon formed at the base of the (original) burning layer is being dragged down by convection.

The above image of the momentum evolution shows the growth of the convective region as an area of high momentum above the (original) burning layer.

Here are some images of the latest plotfile (sorry for the bad quality):

Zoom in on X(C12) region with overplotted velocity vectors:

