Refereed publications
Nantais, Huchra, McLeod, Strader, Brodie, 2010, AJ, 139, 1413
Foster, Forbes, Proctor, Strader, Brodie, Spitler, 2010, AJ, 139, 1566
Forbes, Spitler, Harris, Bailin, Strader, Brodie, Larsen, 2010, MNRAS, 403, 429
Perina, Cohen, Barmby, Beasley, Bellazzini, Brodie, Federici, Fusi Pecci, Galleti, Hodge, Huchra, Kissler-Patig, Puzia, Strader, 2010, A&A, 511, A23
Foster, Proctor, Forbes, Spolaor, Hopkins, Brodie, 2009, MNRAS, 400, 2135
Strader, Smith, Larsen, Brodie, Huchra, 2009, AJ, 138, 547
Proctor, Forbes, Romanowsky, Brodie, Strader, Spolaor, Mendel, Spitler, 2009, MNRAS, 398, 91
Mora, Larsen, Kissler-Patig, Brodie, Richtler, 2009, A&A, 501, 949
Beasley, Cenarro, Strader, Brodie, 2009, AJ, 137, 5146
Romanowsky, Strader, Spitler, Johnson, Brodie, Forbes, Ponman, 2009, AJ, 137, 4956
Hau, Spitler, Forbes, Proctor, Strader, Mendel, Brodie, Harris, 2009, MNRAS, 394, L97
Perina, Barmby, Beasley, Bellazzini, Brodie, Burstein, Cohen, Federici, Fusi Pecci, Galleti, Hodge, Huchra, Kissler-Patig, Puzia, Strader, 2009, A&A, 494, 933
Chomiuk, Strader, Brodie, 2008, AJ, 136, 234
Proctor, Forbes, Brodie, Strader, 2008, MNRAS, 385, 1709
Spitler, Forbes, Strader, Brodie, Gallagher, 2008, MNRAS, 385, 361
Larsen, Origlia, Brodie, Gallagher, 2008, MNRAS, 383, 263
Cenarro, Beasley, Strader, Brodie, Forbes, 2007, AJ, 134, 391
Sanchez-Blazquez, Forbes, Strader, Brodie, Proctor, 2007, MNRAS, 377, 759
Strader, Beasley, Brodie, 2007, AJ, 133, 2015
Forbes, Proctor, Strader, Brodie, 2007, ApJ, 659, 188
Strader, Brodie, Spitler, Beasley, 2006, AJ, 132, 2333
Spitler, Larsen, Strader, Brodie, Forbes, Beasley, 2006, AJ, 132, 1593
Brodie, Strader, 2006, ARAA, 44, 193
Barmby, Kuntz, Huchra, Brodie, 2006, AJ, 132, 883
Larsen, Origlia, Brodie, Gallagher, 2006, MNRAS, 368, 10
Forbes, Sanchez-Blazquez, Phan, Brodie, Strader, Spitler, 2006, MNRAS, 366, 1230
Beasley, Strader, Brodie, Cenarro, Geha, 2006, AJ, 131, 814
Bekki, Beasley, Brodie, Forbes, 2005, MNRAS, 363, 1211
Larsen, Brodie, Strader, 2005, A&A, 443, 431
Strader, Brodie, Cenarro, Beasley, Forbes, 2005, AJ, 130, 1315
Burkert, Brodie, Larsen, 2005, ApJ, 628, 231
Brodie, Strader, Denicolo, Beasley, Cenarro, Larsen, Kuntschner, Forbes, 2005, AJ, 129, 2643
Pierce, Brodie, Forbes, Beasley, Proctor, Strader, 2005, MNRAS, 358, 419
Beasley, Brodie, Strader, Forbes, Proctor, Barmby, Huchra, 2005, AJ, 129, 1412
Proctor, Forbes, Beasley, 2004, MNRAS, 355, 1327
Howell, Brodie, Strader, Forbes, Proctor, 2004, AJ, 128, 2749
Larsen, Brodie, Hunter, 2004, AJ, 128, 2295
Strader, Brodie, 2004, AJ, 128, 1671
Beasley, Brodie, Strader, Forbes, Proctor, Barmby, Huchra, 2004, AJ, 128, 1623
Schweizer, Seitzer, Brodie, 2004, AJ, 128, 202
Strader, Brodie, Forbes, 2004, AJ, 127, 3431
Forbes, Strader, Brodie, 2004, AJ, 127, 3394
Beasley, Forbes, Brodie, Kissler-Patig, 2004, MNRAS, 347, 1150
Bekki, Beasley, Forbes, Couch, 2004, ApJ, 602, 730
Strader, Brodie, Forbes, 2004, AJ, 127, 295
Forbes, Beasley, Bekki, Brodie, Strader, 2003, Science, 301, 1217
Larsen, Brodie, 2003, ApJ, 593, 340
Strader, Brodie, Forbes, Beasley, Huchra, 2003, AJ, 125, 1291
Larsen, Brodie, Beasley, Forbes, Kissler-Patig, Kuntschner, Puzia, 2003, ApJ, 585, 767
Brown, Forbes, Silva, Helsdon, Ponman, Hau, Brodie, Goudfrooij, Bothun, 2003, MNRAS, 341, 737
Strader, Brodie, Schweizer, Larsen, Seitzer, 2003, AJ, 125, 626
Strader, Brodie, Huchra, 2003, MNRAS, 339, 707
Larsen, Brodie, Sarajedini, Huchra, 2002, AJ 124, 2615
Larsen, 2002, AJ 124, 1393
Maraston, Kissler-Patig, Brodie, Barmby, Huchra, 2002, Ap&SS, 281, 137
Kissler-Patig, Brodie, Minniti, 2002, A&A, 391, 441
Perett, Bridges, Hanes, Irwin, Brodie, Carter, Huchra, Watson, 2002, AJ 123, 2490
Larsen, Brodie, Beasley, Forbes, 2002, AJ 124, 828
Brodie, Larsen, 2002, AJ 124, 1410
Larsen, Brodie, 2002, AJ 123, 1488
Forbes, Beasley, Brodie, Kissler-Patig, 2002, ApJL 563, 143
Schroder, Brodie, Kissler-Patig, Huchra, Phillips 2002, AJ 123, 2473
Larsen, Efremov, Elmegreen, Alfaro, Battinelli, Hodge, Richtler, 2002,ApJ 567, 896
Barmby, Perrett, Bridges 2001, MNRAS 329, 461
Barmby, Huchra, 2001, AJ 122, 2458
Larsen, Forbes, Brodie 2001, MNRAS 327, 1116
Larsen 2001, AJ 122, 1782
Forbes, Brodie and Larsen 2001, ApJ Letters 556, L83
Larsen, Brodie, Elmegreen, Efremov, Hodge and Richtler 2001, ApJ 556, 801
Forbes, Georgakakis and Brodie 2001, MNRAS 325, 1431
Larsen, Brodie, Huchra, Forbes and Grillmair 2001, AJ 121, 2974
Maraston, Kissler-Patig, Brodie, Barmby and Huchra 2001, A&A 370, 176
Barmby, Huchra and Brodie 2001, AJ 121, 1482
Georgakakis, Forbes and Brodie 2000, MNRAS 324, 785
Larsen and Brodie 2000, AJ 120, 2938
Brodie, Larsen and Kissler-Patig, 2000, ApJL 543, 19
Larsen 2000, MNRAS 319, 893
Puzia, Kissler-Patig, Brodie and Schroder 2000, AJ 120, 777
Forbes, Masters, Minniti, Barmby 2000, A&A 358, 471
Barmby and Huchra 2000, ApJL 531, 29
๏ Imaging of the Protoelliptical NGC 1700 and its Globular Cluster System
Brown, Forbes, Kissler-Patig and Brodie 2000, MNRAS 317, 406
Barmby, Huchra, Brodie, Forbes, Schroder and Grilmair 2000, AJ 119, 727
๏ The Age Difference between the Globular Cluster Sub-populations in NGC 4472
Puzia, Kissler-Patig, Brodie and Huchra 1999, AJ 118, 2734
๏ Towards an Understanding of the Globular Cluster Over-abundance around the Central Giant Elliptical NGC 1399
Kissler-Patig, Grillmair, Meylan, Brodie, Minniti and Goudfrooij 1999, AJ 117, 1206
๏ HST Imaging of the Globular Clusters in the Fornax Cluster: Color and Luminosity Distributions
Grillmair, Forbes, Brodie and Elson, 1999, AJ 117, 167
๏ Keck Spectroscopy of Candidate Proto-globular Clusters in NGC 1275
Brodie, Schroder, Huchra, Phillips, Kissler-Patig, and Forbes, 1998, AJ 116, 691 (Get here the full resolution Figure 1)
๏ Constraints on the Merger Models of Elliptical Galaxies from their Globular Cluster Systems
Kissler-Patig, Forbes and Minniti, 1998, MNRAS 298, 1123
๏ Keck Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters around NGC 1399
Kissler-Patig, Brodie, Schroder, Forbes, Grillmair, Huchra 1998, AJ 115, 105
๏ HST Imaging of the Globular Clusters in the Fornax Cluster: NGC 1379
Elson, Grillmair, Forbes, Rabban, Williger and Brodie 1998 MNRAS 295, 240
๏ HST Imaging of the Globular Clusters in the Fornax Cluster: NGC 1399 and NGC 1404
Forbes, Grillmair, Williger, Elson and Brodie, 1998 MNRAS 293, 325
๏ Halo and Bulge/Disk globular clusters in the S0 galaxy NGC 1380
Kissler-Patig et al. 1997 A&A 327, 503
๏ Globular cluster system of early-type galaxies in Fornax
Kissler-Patig et al. 1997, A&A 319, 470
๏ The dichotomy of early-type galaxies from their globular cluster systems
Kissler-Patig 1997 A&A 319, 83
๏ On the Origin of Globular Clusters in Elliptical and cD Galaxies
Forbes, Brodie & Grillmair, 1997 AJ 113, 1652
๏ Globular Clusters in the Sombrero Galaxy (NGC 4594)
Forbes, Grillmair & Smith, 1997, AJ 113, 1648
๏ HST Imaging of Globular Clusters in Kinematically-Distinct Core Ellipticals
Forbes, 1997, PASP Conf.Series Vol.116, p.493
๏ Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Globular Cluster System around NGC 5846
Forbes, Brodie & Huchra, 1997, AJ 113, 887
๏ Globular Cluster Luminosity Functions and the Hubble Constant from WFPC2 Imaging: The Dominant Group Elliptical NGC 5846
Forbes, Brodie & Huchra, 1996, AJ 112, 2448
๏ Globular Cluster Luminosity Functions and the Hubble Constant from WFPC2 Imaging: Galaxies in the Coma I Cloud
Forbes, 1996 AJ 112, 1409
๏ Globular Cluster Luminosity Functions and the Hubble Constant from WFPC2 Imaging: The Giant Elliptical NGC 4365
Forbes, 1996, AJ 112, 954
Conference proceedings etc.
๏ Fuzzy Star Clusters
Brodie, Burkert, Larsen, 2004, in:``The formation and evolution of massive young star clusters'', 2003, Cancun, ASP Conf. Ser. 322, eds. H.J.G.L.M. Lamers, L.J. Smith & A. Nota
๏ Young Massive Clusters in Normal Galaxies
Larsen, 2002, in: ``Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems'', Aug 27-30, 2002, ESO, Garching, ed. M. Kissler-Patig
๏ New members of the Cluster Family in Lenticular Galaxies
Brodie and Larsen, 2002, in: ``Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems'', Aug 27-30, 2002, ESO, Garching, ed. M. Kissler-Patig
๏ A New Class of Star Clusters in Lenticular Galaxies
Brodie and Larsen, 2002, in: ``New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy'', Padua, Italy, eds. G. Piotto, G. Meylan, G. Djorgovski, M. Riello
๏ Observational Properties of Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems
Forbes, 2002, in: ``New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy'', Padua, Italy, eds. G. Piotto, G. Meylan, G. Djorgovski, M. Riello
๏ Globular Clusters and Galaxy Formation
Forbes, 2002, in: "Galaxy Evolution: Theory and Observations", eds. V. Avila-Reese, C. Firmani, C. Frenk, C. Allen, RevMexAA
๏ Metal-rich and metal-poor globular clusters in ellipticals: Did we learn anything? or Constraints on galaxy formation and evolution from globular cluster sub-populations
Kissler-Patig, 2002, in: IAU Symp. 207, "Extragalactic Star Clusters", p. 207, eds. Eva K. Grebel, Doug Geisler and Dante Minniti
๏ Open, Massive and Globular Clusters - Part of the same family?
Larsen, 2002, in: IAU Symp. 207, "Extragalactic Star Clusters", p. 421, eds. Eva K. Grebel, Doug Geisler and Dante Minniti
๏ Globular Cluster Subpopulations in Early-Type Galaxies: Insights into Galaxy Formation
Brodie, 2002, in: IAU Symp. 207, "Extragalactic Star Clusters", p. 281, eds. Eva K. Grebel, Doug Geisler and Dante Minniti
๏ The Globular Cluster Systems of Ellipticals and Spirals
Forbes, 2002, in: IAU Symp. 207, "Extragalactic Star Clusters", p. 238, eds. Eva K. Grebel, Doug Geisler and Dante Minniti